Research Article

Liver Regeneration after Partial Hepatectomy Is Not Impaired in Mice with Double Deficiency of Myd88 and IFNAR Genes

Figure 1

Baseline liver lesions in Myd88-INFAR double-KO mice. (a) White lesions on the surface of multiple liver lobes from two male Myd88-IFNAR double-KO mice (8 weeks old), detected at the time of laparotomy. Unaffected areas of the liver have a normal appearance. Paraffin-embedded liver tissue sections (6 μm) of abnormal livers were stained with hematoxylin and eosin and digitally captured at 40x (b), 100x (c), 200x (d), and 400x (e) magnification. (b) Large areas of hepatocellular necrosis across the liver lobes (indicated by arrowheads) are surrounded by layers of hepatocytes with eosinophilic cytoplasm and dense inflammatory cell infiltrates (indicated by arrows). Adjacent liver tissue within the same lobe looks normal. (c) Layers of hepatocytes with eosinophilic cytoplasm in zones I and II of the hepatic lobule, with dense inflammatory cell infiltrates (arrows). (d) and (e) Details of zone I of a hepatic acinus showing a dense inflammatory reaction composed of lymphocytic and polymorphonuclear cells. The inflammatory infiltrate encloses hepatocytes undergoing coagulative necrosis (arrows) and a portal vein with histological features of endothelitis (asterisk). The hepatocytes that surround the inflammatory infiltration have an altered cell shape, increased eosinophilia, and some show pyknotic nuclei suggestive of apoptosis (arrowheads).