Review Article

Confocal Endomicroscopy of Colorectal Polyps

Table 2

Systematic classification of colorectal lesions (eCLE based).

General architectureCytonuclear features

Normal mucosaRegular (uniform) architecture of surface and glandular epitheliumEpithelial cells are uniformly lined up along the basement membrane
Regular “honey-comb” appearance of vascular patternNormal cell polarity of surface and glandular epithelium, normal aspect of mucin-producing goblet cells
Nonadenomatous polypsSlightly disturbed architecture: enlarged, branch-like, elongated cryptsEpithelial cells are morphologically normal, preserved cell polarity
Increased number of cells in the cryptsDepletion of goblet cells
Mild alterations of vascular pattern
Inflammatory infiltrate of lamina propria, decreased crypt/stroma ratio
Adenomatous polypsDisturbed architecture: mild irregularity of the crypts, eventual villous transformation, increased crypt/stroma ratio, crypt destructionIncomplete to lack of epithelial surface maturation
Mild to moderate alterations of vascular patternSlightly cytonuclear atypia
Islands of malignant cells