Review Article

Nutrition Care for Patients with Weight Regain after Bariatric Surgery

Box 1

Suggested questions for a detailed weight history.
(i) What was your highest weight after surgery? Is it today’s weight that we measured?
(ii) What was your highest weight before surgery?
(iii) What was your lowest weight after surgery? When was this/how long after surgery?
(iv) How long did you stay at your lowest weight?
(v) Was there a weight range that you were stable at, for example within 4.5 kg (10 lb)? How long was your weight within
    this stable range?
(vi) When did your weight start to increase? (i.e., timeframe) Can you share with me some more details about your weight
     regain? (i.e., amounts, rate, trends)
(vii) What do you think contributed to the weight increase? (i.e., life events, stressors, positive or negative experiences, change
      in health or medications)
(viii) Do you have a weight goal?
(ix) What is your goal—is it for weight loss or is there something else you want to work on? (i.e., symptom management,
     physical function, pain)