Review Article

Nutrition Care for Patients with Weight Regain after Bariatric Surgery

Box 2

Summary of nutrition recommendations for patients after bariatric surgery [10, 54, 55].
(i) Eat three meals (including breakfast) plus one or two snacks each day.
(ii) Make times for meals and snacks; eat slowly and chew food well.
(iii) Choose small portions of solid foods, approximately 1 cup (250 mL) at each meal or snack.
(iv) Choose mostly solid food at meals and snacks.
(v) Avoid textures that are difficult to chew (i.e., sticky, doughy, stringy, tough) as they may cause discomfort and vomiting
    due to obstruction in the stoma of the pouch.
(vi) Separate solids and liquids by 30 minutes. Do not drink fluids with your meals or snacks. Wait for 30 minutes after you eat
    before you drink.
(vii) Choose calorie-free beverages.
(viii) Take all vitamin and mineral supplements as recommended.
(ix) Make time for activity each day.
(x) Record what you eat and drink each day.
(xi) Record your weight at least once per month, but no more than once per week.
(xii) Attend all of your appointments.