Clinical Study

NSAID-Induced Enteropathy in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients with Chronic Occult Gastrointestinal Bleeding: A Prospective Capsule Endoscopy Study

Table 1

Abnormal findings compatible with NSAID-induced lesions (MDS-mucosal damage score): 1 mild enteropathy, 2 moderate enteropathy, and 3 severe enteropathy.

SexAgeDuodenumJejunumIleumOther localisationMDS

(1)M503 linear erosions, red spotGastric erosions1
(2)F66Red spotsRed spotsRed spotsErythematous gastritis1
(3)F35Multiple red spotsErosion, 7 aphthous lesions10 aphthous lesions2
(4)F53Red spot0
(5)F78Multiple erosionsErosions, aphthous lesions, ulcersErosions, aphthous lesions, ulcers3
(6)F28Single red spot0
(7)F72Red spots, multiple aphthous lesionsErythematous gastritis2
(8)F61Red spotsErythematous gastritis1
(9)F49Single red spot0
(10)M623 erosionsErythematous gastritis1
(11)F32Single red spot0
(12)F69Erosions, multiple aphthous lesionsSingle erosionGastric ulcer2
(13)F82Red spots, erosions1
(14)M56Red spots, erosions1
(15)F34BulbitisSingle red spotSingle red spot, single erosionGastric erosions1
(16)F42Gastric focal erythema0
(17)F71Single erosion8 erosionsErythematous gastritis1
(19)F79Single red spot0
(20)F38Single erosion4 erosions1
(21)F26Gastric erosions0
(22)F69Single erosion5 erosions1
(23)M55Red spots1
(24)F22Red spotsSingle erosion5 erosionsGastric oedema1
(25)F73Red spotErythematous gastritis0
(26)F76Single erosion1
(27)F55Single erosion5 erosions1
(30)F562 erosions1
(31)M60BulbitisErythematous gastritis0
(33)F54Single erosionUlcer3
(34)M56Single erosionMultiple erosions, aphthous lesionGastric erosions2
(35)F61Erosion, aphthous lesions1
(36)F23Red spotsGastric oedema1
(37)F57Single erosionRed spots, aphthous lesion1