Clinical Study

The Frequencies of Gastroesophageal and Extragastroesophageal Symptoms in Patients with Mild Erosive Esophagitis, Severe Erosive Esophagitis, and Barrett’s Esophagus in Taiwan

Table 4

Independent factors for extragastroesophageal symptoms in patients with mild erosive esophagitis, severe erosive esophagitis, and Barrett’s esophagus.

SymptomsRisk factorsCoefficientStandard errorOR (95% CI) value

Foreign body sensationEsophagitis A/B0.7130.3312.039 (1.067–3.899)0.031
Throat cleaningEsophagitis A/B0.7310.3512.077 (1.044–4.133)0.037
CoughEsophagitis A/B0.9460.4542.575 (1.058–6.272)0.037
Male gender−0.4810.2040.618 (0.414–0.923)0.019
Sore throat Metabolic syndrome 0.2630.574 (0.343–0.960)0.034

No single risk factor was identified contributing to the development of hoarseness.