Review Article

Extent of Surgery and Implications of Transection Margin Status after Resection of IPMNs

Table 2

Characteristics of invasive resected IPMNs.

AuthorTotal   (%) invasive IPMNPositive margin, %Recurrence rate, %5-year Survival,%Median follow-up, months

Chari et al., 2002 [9]40 (35)26653642
D’Angelica et al., 2004 [55]30 (48)51.6
(noninv + inv)
Falconi et al., 2001 [20]19 (37)798
(noninv + inv)
69 (3-year surv.)15 (mean)
Salvia et al., 2004 [14]58 (41)27.612.16031
Schnelldorfer et al., 2008 [56]63 (30)28.65831
Sohn et al., 2004 [54]52 (38)38.54324 (mean)