Review Article

The Emerging Adult with Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Challenges and Recommendations for the Adult Gastroenterologist

Table 1

Definitions of frequently used terms.

AdolescentPeriod between ages 10 to 19 corresponding to stage of human growth and development after childhood and before adulthood (WHO definition).

Emerging adultA person between ages of 18 and 25 years in geographical and social flux with changing roles (e.g., student, worker, and parent) and ongoing dependence on caretakers for financial support and decision making [8].

Health care transitionA gradual, purposeful, and patient-centered process that facilitates change in knowledge, attitude, and self-management behaviors in adolescent patients with chronic diseases to foster skills and attitudes required for life as an adult and assuming responsibility for their health [33, 44, 45].

TransferThe planned movement of patient and their medical records from one provider to another at a distinct point in time.