Clinical Study

Hybrid Push-Pull Endoscopic and Laparoscopic Full Thickness Resection for the Minimally Invasive Management of Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors: A Pilot Clinical Study

Table 1

Baseline patient characteristics.

PtaAge/genderPresenting symptomsSize of resected mass (cmb)Depth of invasionLocation of massMitotic rate (per hpfc)Reason for hybridEndoscopic specimen marginLaparoscopic specimen marginDuration (mind)

156/FeMelena/anemia3.0 and 2.8Muscularis propriaFundus (near GEf junction)1/50 Near GE junction and endophyticPositiveNegative209

257/MgDysphagia4.2Muscularis propriaAntrum, posterior wall1/50 Endophytic; difficult to identify laparoscopicallyPositiveNegative157

375/MDyspepsia2.6 × 1.9Serosa Body, anterior wall 2/50 Endophytic; difficult to identify laparoscopicallyPositiveNegative137

468/FLUQh pain/chest pain3.5 × 3.3 × 3.2SubmucosaCardia (near GE junction)0/50 Near GE junction and endophyticPositiveNegative146

Pt = patient.
bCm = centimeter.
cHpf = high-powered field.
dMin = minutes.
eF = female.
fGE = gastroesophageal.
gM = male.
hLUQ = left upper quadrant.