Research Article

Estimation of an Optimal Chemotherapy Utilisation Rate for Upper Gastrointestinal Cancers: Setting an Evidence-Based Benchmark for the Best-Quality Cancer Care

Table 1

Upper gastrointestinal cancers: indications for chemotherapy, levels, and sources of evidence.

Outcome numberClinical scenarioTreatment indicatedLevel of evidenceaReference(s)Proportion of all patients with that cancer

Oesophageal cancer
3Oesophageal cancer, recurrence, good PSPalliative chemotherapyIINCCN [18]
NCI PDQ [23]
BCCA [27]
SIGN [32]
5Oesophageal cancer, localised, unresectable, good PSRadical chemoradiationINCCN [18]
NCI PDQ [23]
BCCA [27]
6Oesophageal cancer, metastatic, good PSPalliative chemotherapy IINCCN [18]
NCI PDQ [23]
BCCA [27]
SIGN [32]
Total proportion of patients with oesophageal cancer in whom chemotherapy is recommended0.79

Gastric cancer
7Gastric cancer, resected stage 1A, recurrence, good PSPalliative chemotherapyINCCN [21]
NCI PDQ [22]
BCCA [27]
CCO [35]
9Gastric cancer, locoregional,
resectable, higher than stage 1A, good PS
Postoperative chemoradiation
or perioperative chemotherapy
NCI PDQ [22]
BCCA [27]
SIGN [32]
10Gastric cancer, locoregional disease, unresectablePalliative chemotherapyINCCN [21]
NCI PDQ [22]
BCCA [27]
SIGN [32]
11Gastric cancer, metastatic, good PSPalliative chemotherapy INCCN [21]
NCI PDQ [22]
BCCA [27]
SIGN [32]
Total proportion of patients with gastric cancer in whom chemotherapy is recommended0.83

Pancreatic cancer
1Pancreatic cancer, localised, operablePalliative chemotherapyINCCN [19]
NCI PDQ [24]
BCCA [35]
CCO [28]
2Pancreatic cancer, localised, inoperable, good PSPalliative chemotherapyIINCCN [19]  
NCI PDQ [24]
BCCA [35]
CCO [28]
4Pancreatic cancer, metastatic, good PSPalliative chemotherapyIINCCN [19]
NCI PDQ [24]
BCCA [35]
CCO [28]
Total proportion of patients with pancreatic cancer in whom chemotherapy is recommended0.35

Hepatocellular cancer
6Liver cancer, localised, unresectable, good PSChemoembolizationINCCN [20]
NCI PDQ [25]
BCCA [27]
8Liver cancer, localised, resected,
intrahepatic recurrence, good PS
ChemoembolizationIVNCI PDQ [25]0.07
Total proportion of patients with hepatocellular cancer in whom chemotherapy is recommended0.27

Gallbladder cancer
17Gallbladder cancer, locoregional,
recurrence, good PS
Palliative chemotherapyIIINCCN [20]
NCI PDQ [26]
BCCA [27]
CCO [31]
18Gallbladder cancer, metastatic, good PSPalliative chemotherapyIIINCCN [20]
NCI PDQ [26]
BCCA [27]
CCO [31]
Total proportion of patients with gallbladder cancer in whom chemotherapy is recommended0.80

PS: performance status, NCCN: National Comprehensive Cancer Network, NCI PDQ: National Cancer Institute Physicians Data Query, BCCA: British Columbia Cancer Agency, CCO: Cancer Care Ontario, and SIGN: Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network.
aLevels of evidence: level I: evidence obtained from a systematic review of all relevant randomised controlled trials; level II: evidence obtained from at least one properly designed randomised controlled trial; level III: evidence obtained from well-designed controlled trials without randomisation (these include trials with “pseudorandomisation” where a flawed randomisation method was used (e.g., alternate allocation of treatments) or comparative studies with either comparative or historical controls); level IV: evidence obtained from case series. Taken from the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) hierarchy of levels of evidence [33].