Review Article

Optimal Endpoint of Therapy in IBD: An Update on Factors Determining a Successful Drug Withdrawal

Table 2

Adverse events in pro- and retrospective studies.

AuthorYearDrugAdverse events/side effects (number of cases)Death from (number of cases)

Dissanayake and Truelove [10]1973SulphasalazineNausea (2); headache (1)0

Ardizzone et al. [11]19995-ASAAbdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea (3)0

O’Donoghue et al. [13]1978AzathioprinePancytopenia (1)

Hawthorne et al. [12]1992AzathioprineTransient bone marrow suppression (2)0

Bouhnik et al. [16]1996Azathioprine/6-mercaptopurineLeucopenia (18), thrombocytopenia (2), liver abnormalities (4), urinary tract infections (4), malignant melanoma (1), cutaneous basal cell carcinoma (1), renal carcinoma (1), and brain lymphoma (1)0

Lémann et al. [15]2005AzathioprineMild leucopenia reversed with dose reduction (1)Myelodysplastic syndrome (1)

Mantzaris et al. [17]2007AzathioprineHeadache (17), paraesthesias (1), flu (7), herpes simplex (5), herpes zoster (2), bronchitis (2), transient psoriasis rash (1), transient leucopenia (3), significant leucopenia (2), no malignancies0

Treton et al. [18]2009AzathioprineModerate leucopenia, reversed by dose adjustment (3)Breast cancer (1); disseminated varicella (1 treated with azathioprine in combination with infliximab)

Fraser et al. [19]2002MethotrexateNausea and vomiting (7), increased diarrhea (2), severe stomatitis (1), leucopenia (3), pneumonia (1), fever (1), shingles (1), elevated liver enzyme (2), photosensitive rash (1)Multiple organ failure (1)

Domènech et al. [20]2005InfliximabAcute infusion reactions (5); no malignancies, opportunistic infections0

Schnitzler et al. [21]2009InfliximabAcute infusion reactions (15), delayed infusion reactions (33), herpes zoster (1), abdominal tuberculosis (1), neuritis optica (1), central demyalinising lesion (1), extensive multiple sclerosis-like neurological symptoms (1)Aspergillus infection (1)

Louis et al. [22]2012InfliximabNo serious adverse events0

Molnár et al. [23]2013Infliximab or adalimumabIn 10.9% of patients, none of them serious0

Farkas et al. [24]2013InfliximabNo serious adverse events0