Clinical Study

Laparoscopic Appendectomy in Children: Preliminary Study in Pediatric Hospital Albert Royer, Dakar

Table 1

The patients’ characteristics.

Acute ap.AbscessPéritonitisAp. lump

Sex (M/F)9/52/02/21/1
Mean age (yr) 7 10 11 9,5
Appendectomy (A/R)14/0 1/1 2/2 1/1
Suction-washing 9 2 4 2
Drainage 0 1 2 0
Operative time (min) 55 (35–72) 62 and 84 74 (65–120) 58 and 104
Complications 2 scapular pain, 1 vomiting 1 Douglas abscess, 1 vomiting 1 Douglas abscess 1 vomiting
Hospital stay (days) 4 (2–6)5 and 127 (5–14)2 and 7

A = antérograde, R = rétrograde, M = male, F = female, acute ap. = acute appendectomy, and ap. lump = appendicular lump.