Research Article

Functional Bowel Disorders Are Associated with a Central Immune Activation

Table 4

Predictors of IBS and IBS-SSS. The covariates in the logistic and linear regression analyses were group, BDI-II, and IL-10 and TNF in serum and CSF. The results are given as OR (95% CI) and value for the logistic regression analyses and as B (95% CI) and value and partial correlation for the linear regression analyses.

Dependent variables (number of subjects)Independent variables
B (95% CI)
OR (95% CI)
valueB (95% CI)
OR (95% CI)
valuePartial corr.B (95% CI)
OR (95% CI)
valuePartial corr.B (95% CI)
OR (95% CI)
valuePartial corr.

TNF serumIL-10 serum
IBSOR: 0.72 (0.1; 3.8)0.717OR: 1.07 (1.01;1.12)0.013OR: 1.06 (0.92; 1.22)0.428OR: 1.04 (0.77; 1.41)0.807
IBS-SSS (65)B: 30 (− 45; 106)0.418B: 2.3 (0.1; 4.5)0.0420.260B: 1.8 (−4.1; 7.6)0.5430.079B: −4.1 (−18.2; 9.9)0.561−0.075
IBS (62)OR: 0.63 (0.1; 3.7)0.609OR: 1.07 (1.00;1.13)0.023OR: 1.25 (0.63; 2.47)0.528OR: 0.13 (0.02; 0.92)0.04
IBS-SSS (61)B: 33 (−39, 107)0.360B: 1.9 (−0.2; 4.1)0.0800.232B: 38 (10; 67)0.0090.341B: −88 (−163, −13)0.023−0.299

BDI-II: Beck Depression Inventory-II; IL-10 serum: interleukin 10 in the serum; TNF serum: tumor necrosis factor in serum; IL-10-CSF: interleukin 10 in the cerebrospinal fluid; TNF-CSF: tumor necrosis factor in the cerebrospinal fluid.