Clinical Study

Vegetal and Animal Food Proteins Have a Different Impact in the First Postprandial Hour of Impedance-pH Analysis in Patients with Heartburn

Table 3

MII-pH results in three different subgroups of patients with heartburn.

NERD (55)HE (49)FH (61)

AET total6.3 ± 4.81.9 ± 0.70.5 ± 0.60.001
AET upright7.7 ± 43.1 ± 1.60.8 ± 1.10.001
AET recumbent4.8 ± 1.20.4 ± 0.60.1 ± 0.20.001
Total reflux events86 ± 33.436 ± 9.223.6 ± 7.90.001
Proximal reflux extension31.4 ± 7.611.8 ± 4.99.1 ± 2.30.001
Acid reflux58.7 ± 24.324.1 ± 6.113.1 ± 6.50.001
Nonacid reflux27.4 ± 18.911.8 ± 6.49.5 ± 5.70.001
SI/SAP positive70.9% (39/55)100% (49/49)0% (0/61)N/A
MNBI1047 ± 5181971 ± 3453358 ± 7620.001
PSPW index39.4 ± 5.351.7 ± 7.271.9 ± 6.80.001

AET: acid exposure time; SI: symptom index; SAP: symptom association probability; NERD: nonerosive reflux disease; HE: hypersensitive esophagus; FH: functional heartburn.