Research Article

Big End Double-Layer Stents for the Treatment of Gastric Outlet Obstruction Caused by Stomach Cancer

Table 2

Efficacy and complications.


Technical success98.6% (72/73)
Clinical success98.6% (71/72)
Covering lesion rate97.2% (70/72)
Shaping effect97.2% (70/72)
GOOSS (after stent)
Stent obstruction
 Ingrowth1.4% (1/70)
 Overgrowth0% (0/70)
 Food impaction2.9% (2/70)
Migration0% (0/70)
Reintervention4.3% (8/70)
Bleeding2.8% (2/72)
Abdominal pain4.5% (6/72)
 Endoscopic stenting2945
 Total hospital (IR)3228
Survival (days)212.5

GOOSS = gastric outlet obstruction score system; IR = including reinterventions.