Review Article

Safety of Simultaneous Hepatectomy and Splenectomy in the Treatment of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Complicated with Hypersplenism: A Meta-analysis

Table 3

Egger’s publication bias test for effects of HS vs. HA in the treatment of patients with HCC and hypersplenism.

OutcomesNo. of trialsNo. of patientsCoef. for bias for bias95% CI for bias

5-year DFS rate48580.8170.614-23.332, 18.983
5-year OS rate48582.4830.788-32.334, 37.300
Operation time5751-0.7050.867-13.030, 11.620
Intraoperative blood loss812281.2760.206-0.927, 3.479
Intraoperative blood transfusion611320.8270.0010.548, 1.105
Postoperative complications1013602.6880.264-2.476, 7.853
Perioperative mortality81002-1.0090.345-3.419, 1.402
PLT count at POD 751685.8150.0211.693, 9.937
T-Bil content at POD 75170-2.6630.383-10.968, 5.641

Abbreviations: DFS: disease-free survival; OS: overall survival; PLT: platelet; T-Bil: total bilirubin; POD: postoperative day; Coef.: coefficient; CI: confidence interval.