Review Article

S100A12 in Digestive Diseases and Health: A Scoping Review

Figure 2

Conceptual diagram of the association of S100A12 in various digestive diseases and health. S100A12 (EN-RAGE or calgranulin C, depicted in a dimer form) is produced by innate immune cells such as granulocytes and participates in the chemotaxis of innate immune cells. It can exist as a dimer or oligomer and can bind divalent cations including zinc, copper, and calcium to promote “nutritional immunity” against invading microbial pathogens. S100A12 interacts with cell surface membranes as well as RAGE, TLR4, and CD36 receptors to promote proinflammatory signaling and disease progression. S100A12 also interacts with CacyBP/SIP and S100A9. S100A12 binding of calcium and zinc enhances oligomerization and interactions with receptors such as RAGE.