Gastroenterology Research and Practice

New Imaging in Gastrointestinal Tract

Publishing date
16 Oct 2015
Submission deadline
26 Jun 2015

Lead Editor

1Second University of Naples, Naples, Italy

2Cardarelli Hospital, Naples, Italy

3Siena University, Siena, Italy

4Sloan Memorial Kattering, New York, USA

5Duke University, Durham, USA

New Imaging in Gastrointestinal Tract


New diagnostic tools in gastrointestinal tract can facilitate the primary diagnosis of organic and functional disorders of gastrointestinal tract and pelvic floor and provide information to guide the management of patients with known disease.

Better understanding of pathophysiology of gastrointestinal diseases has led to change the therapeutic approach with a good quality of life and the elongation of survival expectancy of some oncologic patients. Also gastrointestinal surgery has evolved greatly during the last years and several new surgical techniques have been described.

These innovations require in-depth analysis to assess not only the first diagnosis, but also the evaluation of disease activity and/or medical or surgical therapy effectiveness.

A multidisciplinary approach is essential to determine a suitable follow-up also in young patients, avoiding, if possible, invasive techniques and radiation exposure.

We need studies with enough statistical power and very careful methodology to standardized new techniques and review articles focusing on new bowel imaging methods that are able to influence our practice.

Potential topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Videofluoromanometry and 3D manometry
  • Stomach CT
  • Virtual colonoscopy
  • Ortho-MRI
  • 3D ultrasonography and MRI in the activity of anal fistulas
  • Radiological diagnosis of ischemic colitis
  • New diagnostic tools in efficacy therapy evaluation in GIST
  • New imaging guided classification of midline pelvic floor hernias
Gastroenterology Research and Practice
 Journal metrics
See full report
Acceptance rate5%
Submission to final decision98 days
Acceptance to publication22 days
Journal Citation Indicator0.370
Impact Factor2.0
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