Research Article

Understanding How Product Reviews on YouTube Affect Consumers’ Purchase Behaviors in Indonesia: An Exploration Using the Stimulus-Organism-Response Paradigm

Table 1

Construct definitions.

ConstructOperational definitionAdapted sources

Visual cuesVisual communication is intended to present objects or people with particular characteristics that might influence judgment, emotions, and behaviors.Modified from [29]
Auditory cuesA sound message (voice, language) received from any channel influences judgment, emotions, and behaviors.Modified from [29]
Parasocial interactionThe psychological state wherein an audience perceives an illusory relationship and only receives one-sided communication from media performers.[38]
Cognitive trustConsumers’ rational expectation is that a trustee will possess the required competence, benevolence, and integrity to be relied upon.[84]
Affective trustEmotional ties, concerns, and care between the audience and the YouTubers push the latter to do something for the former because it is perceived as a moral duty.Modified from [85]
StickinessThe frequency with which the audience rewatches the media performer lengthens the duration of each watch.Modified from [59]
Purchase intentionsThe degree to which consumers will desire to purchase products in the future.[86]
Argument qualityThe persuasive strength of arguments embedded in an informational message.[87]
Source credibilityMetainformation about the message (e.g., message source) but not its embedded arguments.[87]
Information usefulnessUsers’ assessment of the quality and contribution of a particular information set used to detect deception decision.[88]
Information adoptionAfter assessing its validity, the extent to which people accept content they are presented with as meaningful.[89]