Clinical Study

The Role of Liver Fibrosis Assessment in the Management of Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B Infection: Lessons Learned from a Single Centre Experience

Table 1

Demographics and characteristics of the chronic Hepatitis B infection cohort.


Total 140
Age (years)
Gender (male)84 (60%)
eAg status (+’ve)56 (40%)
Ethnic origin (C, A, AC)76 (54%), 45 (32%), 19 (14%)
Serum ALT (IU/L)
Platelet countNormal ( )
Serum bilirubin, INR, Albuminnormal (15 μmol/L), normal (1), normal (40 g/L)
Liver biopsy length  cm
Necroinflammatory score (Ishak)
Fibrosis score2.8 ± 1.8

Results are expressed as mean ± standard deviation and percentages.
Ethnic origin (C: Caucasian; A: Asian; AC: Afro-Caribean).