Clinical Study

The Role of Liver Fibrosis Assessment in the Management of Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B Infection: Lessons Learned from a Single Centre Experience

Table 3

Shows the characteristics of 84 HBeAg patients stratified according to serum ALT.

ALT categoryTotal number of patientsHBV DNANI score (mean)Mild fibrosis (no. patients)Mod/Severe fibrosis (no. patients)
log ranges copies/mL(no. patients)

<201<3 log1110
3 log–6 log0
>6 log0
20–3013<3 log123.0103
3 log–6 log1±1
>6 log0
31–4015<3 log123.587
3 log–6 log3±1.5
>6 log0
41–8037<3 log183.81423
3 log–6 log11±2.5
>6 log8
>8018<3 log55.5612
3 log–6 log3±1.5
>6 log10

Results are expressed as mean ± standard deviation.