Research Article

Adherence to Diaphragm Use for Infection Prevention: A Prospective Study of Female Sex Workers in Kenya

Table 4

Rotated factor pattern and final communality estimates from principal component analysis of participants’ (and perception of partners’) knowledge, attitude, or practices regarding diaphragm use with “other” partners, Nairobi, Kenya, 2004-2005 .

Knowledge, attitude, or practices Component 1 (Perceived partner support of diaphragm use) Component 2 (Attitudes toward study product attributes) Communality estimate

Unlikely that “other” partners would make fun of participant for diaphragm  +  gel use.64 .39.57
Unlikely that “other” partners would get angry because of diaphragm  +  gel use.86 .31.83
Unlikely that “other” partners would argue because of diaphragm  +  gel use.86 .27.81
Unlikely that “other” partners would get mad because of diaphragm  +  gel use.89 .28.86
Unlikely that “other” partners would hit or beat her because of diaphragm  +  gel use.72 .31.62
Unlikely that “other” partners would refuse sex because of diaphragm  +  gel use.83 .28.76
If participant wanted to use diaphragm  +  gel and “other” partners did not, he would not refuse to have sex with diaphragm  +  gel.67 .19.48
If participant wanted to use diaphragm  +  gel and “other” partners did not, he would not talk participant out of use.52 .27.34
If participant wanted to use diaphragm  +  gel and “other” partners did not, he would not refuse to pay.61 .21.41
If participant wanted to use diaphragm  +  gel and “other” partners did not, he would still have sex with you.66 .26.49
If participant wanted to use diaphragm  +  gel and “other” partner did not, he would not insist on nonuse.58 .30.42
Likes extra lubrication from diaphragm  +  gel use.09.55 .31
No hormonal side effects is benefit of diaphragm  +  gel use.10.50 .26
Lubrication is benefit of diaphragm  +  gel use.07.56 .32
Uninterrupted sex is benefit of diaphragm  +  gel use.10.61 .39

Factor loading was  .40 or greater for the given component; based on 362 bimonthly study visits from 135 women who reported having sex with “other” partner during at least one bimonthly visit.
The following factors did not load on either component: “Other” partner likes extra lubrication from diaphragm  +  gel use; Diaphragm  +  gel use is easier than condom use; Diaphragms  +  gel are very effective in protecting against HIV or other STDs; Diaphragms  +  gel are very effective in protecting against pregnancy; Important to use diaphragms  +  gel with all partners; Does not prefer condoms to diaphragm  +  gel; Plans to use diaphragm  +  gel at next coitus with "other" partner; Ability to use without partner permission is benefit of diaphragm  +  gel use; Ability to use without partner awareness is benefit of diaphragm  +  gel use; No need for condoms is benefit of diaphragm  +  gel; Important that diaphragm use does not interrupt sex.