Clinical Study

Prevalence and Risk Factors for Bacterial Vaginosis and Other Vulvovaginitis in a Population of Sexually Active Adolescents from Salvador, Bahia, Brazil

Table 2

Current genitourinary signs and symptoms of the study population, stratified by the diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis (BV) or genital Candida albicans infection ( ).

Bacterial vaginosis   Candida albicans §&  
(%) (%)

Vaginal discharge9 (45)0.7215 (68.2)0.03*
Genital itching2 (10)12 (9.1)1
Dysmenorrhea2 (10)11 (4.5)0.45
Abdominal/pelvic pain00.342 (9.1)0.61
Genital lesions and/or vaginal hyperemia2 (10)13 (13.6)0.41

A value ≤0.05 was considered statistically significant. The group of patients with bacterial vaginosis and genital candidiasis were compared with the respective groups of uninfected patients.
The Nugent citeria was used for diagnosis.
Vaginal and/or endocervical.
4 of the these 22 patients were diagnosed with Candida spp.