Clinical Study

Effect of HSV-2 Suppressive Therapy on Genital Tract HIV-1 RNA Shedding among Women on HAART: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial

Table 1

Baseline demographic and clinical characteristics.

Acyclovir ( )No acyclovir ( ) Overall ( ) value2

Age (mean)45 (25–59)43 (23–56)440.53
 White10 (33%)11 (36%)21 (35%)0.43
 Black14 (47%)9 (30%)23 (38%)
 Hispanic5 (17%)6 (20%)11 (18%)
 Other1 (3%)4 (13%)5 (8%)
HIV risk factor
 Ever injected drugs15 (50%)11 (37%)26 (43%)0.42
 Ever had sex with male IDU18 (60%)20 (67%)38 (63%)0.79
 Ever had sex with HIV-infected male17 (57%)25 (83%)42 (70%)0.05
 Ever exchanged sex for drugs or money6 (20%)9 (30%)15 (25%)0.55
 >1 HIV risk factor18 (60%)21 (70%)39 (65%)0.59
 Baseline CD4 count: mean (range)552 (196–1877)539 (169–1600)5460.42
 Baseline contraceptives1 (3%)0 (0%)1 (2%)1.0
HAART at baseline
 NRTIs only2 3 51.0
 NRTI +NNRTI151530
 NRTI + PI121123
 Other: NNRTI +PI; integrase inhibitor112
+ CCR5 inhibitor
Baseline Testing
 Chlamydia0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)1.0
 Gonorrhea0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)1.0
 Syphilis0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)1.0
 Trichomonas0 (0%)1 (3%)1 (2%)1.0
 BV7 (23%)11 (37%)18 (30%)0.40
 Semen2 (7%)2 (6.7%)4 (7%)1.0
 Asymptomatic HSV (PCR)0 (0%)3 (10%)3 (5%)0.24
 Detectable baseline Plasma HIV5 (17%)2 (7%)7 (12%)0.43
 Detectable baseline GT HIV13 (10%)1 (3%)4 (7%)0.61

1One woman in the control arm had invalid baseline GT HIV.
2Categorical variables were tested using Fisher exact test, and continuous variables were tested using Wilcoxon rank sum test.
NOTE. IDU, injection drug user; HAART, highly active antiretroviral therapy; NRTI, nucleoside/nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitor; NNRTI non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor; PI, protease inhibitor; HSV, herpes simplex virus; PCR, polymerase chain reaction; GT, Genital Tract; BV, bacterial vaginosis.