Research Article

Prenatal Ultrasound Screening for Fetal Anomalies and Outcomes in High-Risk Pregnancies due to Maternal HIV Infection: A Retrospective Study

Table 6

Mother-to-child transmission.

YearMode of deliveryGestational age at deliveryVL at deliveryRisk of transmissionHAARTCoinfection

2003Planned caesarean section 90HighCBV NVPHCV HBV
2004Planned caesarean section 1900MediumCBV NVPNo
2010Planned caesarean section 4830MediumNVP TVD T20No

CBV: zidovudine/lamivudin; NVP: nevirapine; TVD, tenofovir/emtricitabin; T20: enfuvirtide.
HCV: hepatitis C; HBV: hepatitis B.