Research Article

Performance of BVBlue Rapid Test in Detecting Bacterial Vaginosis among Women in Mysore, India

Table 2

Characteristics of the diagnostic tests used for detection of bacterial vaginosis among sexually active women with intermediate flora (Nugent score 4–6) excludeda.

TestBacterial vaginosis (Nugent score 7–10)
All women bSymptomatic women b
Sens%95% CISpec%95% CISens%95% CISpec%95% CI

Amsel’s criteria61(55–67)92 (88–95)64(57–72)96(93–99)
Wet-mount microscopy46(40–52)98(96–99)49(42–57)97(95–100)

Nugent score of 0–3 considered negative, and 7–10 considered positive. Women with NS of 4–6 were excluded from this analysis. bNumber varies because of missing data. Sens: sensitivity; Spec: specificity; PPV: positive predictive value; NPV: negative predictive value. Amsel’s criteria defined as any three of the four characteristics: vaginal pH > 4.5, presence of amine odor on addition of 10% potassium hydroxide (whiff test), presence of 3–5 clue cells per high power field on wet-mount microscopy, and homogenous vaginal discharge.