Research Article

Malaria in Pregnancy in Endemic Regions of Colombia: High Frequency of Asymptomatic and Peri-Urban Infections in Pregnant Women with Malaria

Table 3

Socio-demographic and obstetric characteristics of infected pregnant women.

Infected ()No-infected ()OR95% IC

Socio-demographic characteristics
 Age (years)25.5 (19.7-28.2)23 (20.0-28.0)1.030.98-1.08
 <20 years old: (%)13 (28.3)217 (29.3)0.950.49-1.84
 Head of household: (%)38 (82.6)615 (84.8)1.070.41-2.81
 # people/house4.5 (4.0-5.0)4 (3.0-6.0)0.9160.73-1.15
 Socioeconomic stratum ≤1: (%)46 (100)675 (98.8)NDND
 Occupational exposure to mosquito bite: (%)2 (4.4)17 (2.4)1.870.42-8.36
Residence area: (%)
 Rural9 (20.0)351 (48.7)1
 Urban and peri-urban36 (80.0)370 (51.3)3.791.80-7.99
 Water service: (%)23 (50.0)268 (36.3)0.570.31-1.03
 Water bodies around the home: (%)25 (54.3)398 (54.5)0.990.55-1.81
Obstetric characteristics
 Gestational age (weeks)20 (16.00-32.75)32 (18.0-38.0)0.960.94-0.99
Trimester: (%)
 First9 (19.6)101 (13.7)2.431.04-5.65
 Second21 (45.7)201 (27.2)2.851.45-5.57
 Third16 (34.8)436 (59.1)1
 # previous pregnancies1 (0.0-2.0)1 (0.0-2.0)1.010.84-1.23
 Primigravidae: (%)18 (39.1)284 (38.3)1.030.56-1.90
# ANC visits3 (2.0-5.0)4 (2.0-6.0)0.850.73-0.99
Malaria related characteristics (self-report)
 Living years in the area20 (6.0-27.2)19 (5.0-23.0)1.020.99-1.05
 Malaria during last year: (%)7 (15.2)32 (4.3)3.971.65-9.56
 Malaria in the current pregnancy: (%)12 (26.1)20 (2.7)12.715.74-28.11
 Malaria in a cohabitant (last 6 months): (%)15 (34.9)95 (13.5)3.401.75-6.60
Use of bed net: (%)
 Always16 (34.8)362 (49.3)
 Most of the time8 (17.4)75 (10.2)2.411.00-5.84
 Some times16 (34.8)140 (19)2.571.26-5.31
 Never6 (13)158 (21.5)0.860.33-2.24

IQR: interquartile range; CI95: confidence Interval of 95%; (sample size). Binary logistic regression. Maternal infections were considered if nPCR was positive by Plasmodium spp in peripheral blood or placental blood (at delivery).