Research Article

Does Aerobic Vaginitis Have Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes? Prospective Observational Study

Table 1

Demographic and clinical characteristics.

VariableAV ()Control () value

Age (years)0.227
BMI (kg/m2)0.964
Parity1 (0-2)1 (0-2)0.125
Previous cesarean delivery32 (32%)154 (30.8%)0.814
Hypertensive disorders with pregnancy4 (4%)24 (4.8%)1.0
Pregestational and gestational diabetes mellitus7 (7%)29 (5.8)0.645
Smoking habits7 (7%)33 (6.6%)0.828
Education level<0.001
 High school or less37 (37%)66 (13.2%)
 College or above63 (63%)434 (86.8%)
Woman’s occupation0.022
 Not working34 (34%)114 (22.8%)
 Working66 (66%)386 (77.2%)

AV: aerobic vaginitis; BMI: body mass index. Data are presented as , median (interquartile range), or number (%). Student’s -test was used; Mann-Whitney test was used; Chi-squared test was used; Fisher exact test was used. value < 0.05 is significant.