Research Article

Chlamydia trachomatis Infection, when Treated during Pregnancy, Is Not Associated with Preterm Birth in an Urban Safety-Net Hospital

Table 1

Characteristics associated with preterm and full-term births.

Preterm birth (PTB) ()Full-term birth (FTB) () value

Age ()0.37
Race (%)
(i) White
(ii) Black
(iii) Hispanic
(iv) Other
22 (22.0%)
48 (48.0%)
28 (28.0%)
2 (2%)
42 (20.5%)
101 (49.3%)
55 (26.8%)
7 (3.4%)
Number of prenatal visits ()<0.0001
Gestational age at delivery (range, weeks) (24.2-36.6) (37-41.9)<0.0001,1
Low birthweight (%)67 (67.7%)30 (14.6%)<0.0001
Substance abuse (%)21 (21.0%)23 (11.2%)0.0225
Tobacco risk (%)26 (26.0%)43 (21.0%)0.32
Alcohol risk (%) ()3 (3.0%)2 (1.0%)0.34#
History of chlamydia during pregnancy (%)6 (6%)13 (6.3%)0.83

Two-sample -test; chi-square test; #Fisher’s exact test. 1After adjusting for gestational age at delivery, the value was 0.85.