Research Article

Response of Soybean to Halosulfuron Herbicide

Table 2

Effect of halosulfuron on yield of soybean varieties with and without sulfonylurea- tolerant trait in the field studies conducted in Stoneville, Miss, USA in 2007a.

Field Study locations
VarietyNontreatedTreate Chang NontreatedTreate Chang
% %

DP 4112  33833222 24262321
DP 4888  34803491032443107
DP 4919  33333292 26672397
07-4492  46414288 32281788
DP 5115 RR/S31313055 27832307
DP 5335  26482829 29732846
DP 4748 S35553662 31632878
P 95M90  30973217 33973214
AG 4903  34563479 34602660
DP 4690 RR4169 2737838
DP 59893422ND25941973
t-test NSNS

bbreviations: AG, Asgrow; DP, DeltaPine; P, ND, not determined; P, Pioneer; RR, Roundup Ready; S, sulfonylurea tolerant. oybean plants were treated postemergence with 0.034 kg   halosulfuron. epresents % change in soybean yield in response to halosulfuron application. “ ”and “ ”signs indicate yield above and below the nontreated control, respectively, within varieties. ield not determined (ND) due to nonharvestable crop conditions resulting from extreme injury from halosulfuron. ield change not included in analysis to be consistent with data reported for the USDA location. indicates no significant effect of halosulfuron application on soybean yield according to the t statistic ( ) within individual varieties. (USDA) and 18 (MAFES) indicate no significant difference and significant difference, respectively, in % yield change from halosulfuron application among soybean varieties according to Fisher’s protected Least Significant Difference ( ) procedure.