Research Article

Persistence of Overseeded Cool-Season Grasses in Bermudagrass Turf

Table 2

Percent cover of ryegrasses as affected by seeding rate, foramsulfuron application, and overseeded species in 2005 for the first experiment.a

Ryegrass speciesForamsulfuronSeeding rate (kg/ha)Percent cover
November FebruaryJune

IntermediateNo22453 ab59 b 5 bc
No44858 a66 a2 c
PerennialNo22440 c49 d 4 bc
No44847 b59 b9 a
IntermediateYes22450 b57 bc2 c
Yes44855 ab63 ab1 c
PerennialYes22444 bc51 cd 6 ab
Yes44851 b56 bc 6 ab

aMeans within a column with the same letter are not significantly different according to the Fisher’s protected least significant difference test at the 0.05 level.