Research Article

Comparison of Raw Dairy Manure Slurry and Anaerobically Digested Slurry as N Sources for Grass Forage Production

Table 3

Annual mean N and P concentrations of raw and anaerobically digested slurries applied to pasture plots.

2009 2010 2011
Raw dairyDigestedRaw dairyDigestedRaw dairyDigested
Slurryslurry slurryslurry slurryslurry

Percent Total Solids (%)
Total N, mg kg-1a144116171653267214752000
NH4–N, mg kg−170710387761253760930
Organic N, mg kg-1b73457887714197151070
Total P, mg kg−1 350 300 331292 330210

aN and P concentrations reported as is.
bOrganic nitrogen (N) = total N − NH4–N.