Research Article

Multimodel Inference for the Prediction of Disease Symptoms and Yield Loss of Potato in a Two-Year Crop Rotation Experiment

Figure 1

The two-year crop rotation scheme, representing the sequence of crops and treatments for one of three blocks. Each block was split into two “sets”: the experimental cycles in Set 1 started with the potato cultivar Disco in 1994. The experimental cycles of Set 2 started with the same potato cultivar in 1995, and red clover was grown in 1994. A cycle consisted of a sequence of crops and treatments lasting two years. Year one of a cycle consisted of two parts: spring treatments and treatments applied in summer plus autumn. Spring treatments were either fallow or the cultivation of a trap crop against potato cyst nematode. Summer/autumn treatments were one of three options: cultivation of Tagetes, oats, or fallow. In year 2 of the cycle, potatoes were grown on all plots; treatments consisting of three potato cultivars showed differing degree of resistance to potato cyst nematodes (cvs Seresta, Karida, or Elkana); potato cultivar treatments were split up in two sub treatments consisting of incorporation or removal from the field of potato haulms. See Scholte [2] for more details.