Research Article

Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) Cultivars Exhibiting Tolerance to the Reniform Nematode (Rotylenchulus reniformis)

Table 2

Significance levels for main effects and their interactions for early and late season reniform nematode reproductive indices (RI), seed cotton yield, and tolerance index (TI) in a field study at the Delta Research and Extension Center in Stoneville, MS, in 2006 and 2007.

Main effectvEarly season RIwLate season RIxSeed cotton yieldyTIz

Cultivar (C)0.03570.3410<0.00010.0821
Field (F)0.00380.0092<0.00010.0005
Nematicide 0.05940.4338<0.0001

vFixed effects are the main effects of cultivar (C) and nematicide and all interactions of those main effects; random variables are field ( ), , , and .
wEarly season RI = Pm/Pi = (midseason reniform nematode count)/(planting reniform nematode count).
xLate season RI = Pf/Pm = (harvest reniform nematode count)/(planting reniform nematode count).
ySeed cotton yield taken from the middle two rows of subplots.
zTI = [(seed cotton yield in nontreated plot)/(seed cotton yield in nematicide-treated plot)]*100.