Research Article

High-Throughput Screening of Sensory and Nutritional Characteristics for Cultivar Selection in Commercial Hydroponic Greenhouse Crop Production

Table 2

LS mean score values ± SE of panelist responses to different sensory traits of greenhouse-grown (‘Diva’) and store-bought (Lebanese and Mini Cucumber) cucumbers.

CultivarFlesh colorFirmness AromaSweetness/bitterness

Diva7.50 ± 0.2537.81 ± 0.2606.77 ± 0.3196.80 ± 0.276
Lebanese5.99 ± 0.2676.69 ± 0.3046.47 ± 0.3086.14 ± 0.304
Mini Cucumber5.61 ± 0.2575.54 ± 0.2766.33 ± 0.3245.51 ± 0.305

LS means were compared using Scheffe’s Multiple Comparison Procedure. Superscripts not sharing the same letter within each column are significantly different (). Cucumber flesh color and firmness, aroma of the fruit, and flesh taste sweetness/bitterness traits were scored on 9-point scales, where 1: dislike and 9: like for flesh color, firmness, and fresh aroma of the fruit. Sweetness/bitterness were scored on a 9-point scale, where 1: bitter, 5: not bitter or sweet, and 9: sweet.