Research Article

Assessing the Economic Impact of Inversion Tillage, Cover Crops, and Herbicide Regimes in Palmer Amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) Infested Cotton

Table 3

Production costs (US ha−1) for cotton production by year.

Production itemProduction cost
US ha−1

Production costs differing by treatment
Cover crop
Herbicide regime
Production costs based on yield
Ginning and warehousing (US kg−1)0.045
Classing and promotion fee (US kg−1)0.003

Inversion tillage (IT) was performed in 2009 only. In 2010 and 2011 the cost for tillage for all treatments was the cost of noninversion tillage (NIT).
Clover is crimson clover; rye is cereal rye; fallow is winter fallow. In 2011, clover was replanted and rye was only fertilized in 2011. Fallow received an additional application of glyphosate and glufosinate as a winter burndown.
POST and PRE+POST received an additional POST application of glufosinate in 2011.