Research Article

Phenotypic Response of Two Garlic Varieties to Different Nitrogen Fertilization Grown under Irrigation in Sudan Savannah Ecological Zone of Nigeria

Table 1

Description of characters assessed during the study.

Parameters assessed Description

Plant heightMeasured from the ground level to the tip of the tallest leaf with the aid of meter rule
Number of leaves Recorded as the mean number of fully opened leaves from the 10 sampled plants
Leaf areaLeaf area was measured and calculated using leaf parameter method as described in [25]
Number of days to 50% maturityNumber of plants with dried leaves in each plot was counted at maturity stage
Matured bulb diameterMeasured using vernier calliper from 10 air-cured bulbs with the mean expressed in centimeter
Individual bulb weightTen air-cured bulbs sampled per plot were weighed on Mettler  balance
Number of cloves per bulbCloves were separated from each of the 10 bulbs sampled per plot and counted
Cloves weight per bulbThe weights of cloves separated per each of the 10 sampled bulbs were measured using Mettler balance
Fresh bulb yieldTotal weight of fresh bulb harvested from each net plot was recorded
Cured bulb yieldTotal bulbs harvested from each net plot were weighed after one week of air drying (curing)