Research Article

Response of Teff (Eragrostis tef (Zucc) Trotter) to Seeding Rate and Methods of Sowing on Yield and Yield Attributes in a Subhumid Environment, Northern Ethiopia

Table 2

Main effect of the seed rate and method of sowing on plant height, panicle length, total tillers, productive tillers, main panicle seed weight, and harvest index of teff.

TreatmentsPlant height (cm)Panicle length (cm)Total tillers plant−1Productive tillers plant−1Main panicle seed weight (g)Harvest index (%)Thousand-seed weight (g)

Seeding rate (kg/ha)
15118.8a46.9ab4.8b4.5b7.5 b20.8b0.2983ab
LSD (0.05)
Methods of sowing
LSD (0.05)
CV (%)2.634.5917.9917.0015.4312.8610.40

Means with the same superscript letter within a column do not differ significantly at 0.05 probability level according to Fisher’s LSD.