Research Article

Evaluation of Two Irrigation Scheduling Methods and Nitrogen Rates on Corn Production in Alabama

Table 5

Summary of ANOVA for grain yield, aboveground biomass, N uptake, and NUE with respect to N rates (0, 202, 269, and 336 kg ha-1), irrigation, and years (2014–2015) at TVREC.

Sources of variationGrain yield (Mg ha−1)Aboveground biomass (Mg ha−1)Grain N concentration (g kg−1)Stover N concentration (g kg−1)Grain N uptake (g kg−1)Aboveground N uptake (kg N ha−1)Nitrogen use efficiency

Irrigation (I)Ns£NsNsNsNsNsNsNsNs
N rate (N)NsNsNsNsNsNs
Year (Y)NsNs
I x NNsNsNsNsNsNsNsNsNsNs
Y x NNsNsNsNsNsNs
Y x INsNsNsNsNsNsNsNsNs
Y x I x NNsNsNsNsNsNsNsNsNsNs

Significant at 0.05 probability level. £Nonsignificant at 0.05 probability level. ǂAEn: nitrogen agronomy efficiency. §REn: recovery efficiency. IEn: nitrogen internal efficiency. #PFPn: nitrogen partial productivity.