Review Article

A Review of Chamber and Micrometeorological Methods to Quantify NH3 Emissions from Fertilisers Field Application

Table 4

Comparison of ammonia cumulative emission in kg N ha−1 and % applied N determined by different measurement methods.

Ammonia cumulative emission kg·N·ha−1 (% applied N)Source typeReference cropImportant findingsReference
Micrometeorological methodsChambers methods

49.1f(24.55%)f30.2h (15.1%)hExp 1 (1 m·s−1)
 200 kg·Urea-N·ha−1
Cut swardRain leads to overestimating the NH3 losses with the wind tunnel.Ryden et al. [87]
96.9f(48.45%)f101h (50.5%)hExp 2 (1–3 m·s−1)
 200 kg Urea-N·ha−1
Wind tunnel efficiency could enhance with automatic control of airspeed inside the tunnel, according to ambient wind speed.
10.8f(41.7%)f, +10.7g (41.4%)gPig and cattle slurry
 24 kg TAN·ha−1
Bare soilGood accordance in the results between both methods under standard conditions in field applications.Mannheim et al. [88]
15.6f(77.4%)f, +15.2g (74.4%)g12.3 kg TAN·ha−1
3.4f(27.2%)f,+4.3g (35.2%)g20.4 kg TAN·ha−1
1.9f(7.3%)f, +11.2g (42.1%)g26.6 kg TAN·ha−1
(75%)a,(71%)hCattle slurry:
 127.25 kg·N·ha−1
Bare soilWind tunnels are preferred to make small plot comparative studies.Misselbrook et al. [89]
(54%)a,(21%)hPoultry manure:
 613.74 kg·N·ha−1
(29%)a,(39%)hPoultry wetted manure:
 316.2 kg·N·ha−1
32.7a(43.6%)a45.6c (60.8%)c26.8–30.6d (35.5%)d75 kg Urea-N·ha−1Bare soilIHF(GT) tends to underestimate or overestimate ammonia flux (12.5 to 64%), while dynamic chambers and IHF(L) have a similar ammonia loss kinetic.Pacholski et al. [58]
21.6a(1.8%)a8.2c (4.1%)c22.2d (11.1%)d200 kg Urea-N ha−1
23.9a(19.9%)a21c (17.5%)c25–29.8d (20.8%)d120 kg Urea-N ha−1
18.8a(12.5%)a8.6c (5.7%)c51–59.8d (34%)d150 kg Urea-N ha−1
9.9 (4.9%)b7.4 (3.7%)mUrea:
 200 kg·N·ha−1
Bare soilWT measurements are affected by frequent sampling activities, but that correlation between WT and IHF method could be improved with 3 h of minimum sampler exposition time.Scotto di Perta et al. [14]
46.8 (11.7%)b26.5 (6.63%)mBuffalo slurry:
 400 kg·N·ha−1
49.2 (27.95%)b26.4 (15%)mBuffalo digestate:
 176 kg·N·ha−1

Notes. Data in round brackets “( )”are expressed in % applied N. IHF = integrated horizontal flux; IHF(GT) = integrated horizontal flux with glass tubes, IHF(L) = integrated horizontal flux with Leuning et al.’s samplers, DTM = Dräger tube method; WT = wind tunnel; TAN = total ammoniacal-N; UAN = uric acid and ammoniacal-N. aIHF method by Leuning et al. [81]; bIHF method by Wood et al. [84]; cIHF method by Schjoerring et al. [82]; dDTM; eZINST; fIHF method by Denmean [90]; gWT by Braschkat et al. [62]; hWT by Lockyer [61]; mWT by Jiang et al. [64]. +As % of applied TAN; as % of applied of UAN.