Research Article

The Residual Effect of Pre-Rice Green Manuring on a Succeeding Wheat Crop (Triticum aestivum L.) in the Rice-Wheat Cropping System in Banke, Nepal

Table 5

Effect of chemical fertilizers and green manure treatments on grain yield and straw yield.

TreatmentsGrain yield (t/ha)Straw yield (t/ha)

T 11.447d1.77d
T 24.2b7.547ab
T 32.762c3.567c
T 45.183ab7.843ab
T 55.515a8.160a
T 65.003ab6.510b
T 75.870a7.510ab
T 85.478a7.563ab
T 94.796ab7.033ab
Grand mean4.386.39
SEM (±)0.3390.485
CV %13.113.2

SEM = standard error of mean; CV = coefficient of variation. Means followed by difference letters are significantly different among each other on DMRT at a 5% level of significance.