Review Article

Dispersive Solid Phase Extraction for the Analysis of Veterinary Drugs Applied to Food Samples: A Review

Table 4

Carbon-based nanomaterials applied to dispersive techniques in the analysis of veterinary drugs in different matrices.

AnalyteMatrixSilica-based functionalizedEluentModeTechniqueLimit of detectionRecoveryReference

AT, RT, and MTChicken muscleMWCNT5% formic acid in ACNr-DSPEUHPLC-MS/MS0.15–0.20 μg kg−196.8–104.6%[38]

QNsWaterO-MWCNT prepared by a slight modificationAcetone-MeOHDSPECE-DAD28.0–94.0 ng L−162.3–116%[24]

RALGround dried feedMWCNTEthyl acetateDSPEUHPLC-ESI-MS/MS0.20–0.29 μg kg−195.3–107.2%[37]

SAsMineral waterMWCNT/magnetic-MWCNT (Magnetic nanoparticles synthesized by means of a solvothermal process, assembled onto CNTs through an “aggregation wrap” mechanism)MeOHDSPEUHPLC-DAD32.0 ng L−161.0–110.0% MWCNT
22.0–77.0% Magnetic- MWCNT

SAsPorkMWCNTACN/ammonium acetateDSPEUHPLC-ESI-MS/MS112.0–129.0 μg kg−189.2–117.9%[22]

SDZMilk and honeyGraphene oxide was synthesized using the modified Hummers method and functionalized with iron oxide nanoparticles via coprecipitationMeOH/acetic acidDMSPEOAMTLS0.34 μg L−195.3–98.3%[58]

ACN: acetonitrile; AT: amantadine; CE: capillary electrophoresis; CNTs: carbon nanotubes; DAD: diode-array detection; DMSPE: dispersive micro-solid-phase extraction; DSPE: dispersive solid-phase extraction; EDTA: ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid; ESI-MS/MS: electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry; Mg(NO3)2: magnesium nitrate; MS: mass spectrometry; MT: memantine; MWCNT: multiwalled carbon nanotubes; OAMTLS: optimized angled mode-mismatched thermal lens spectrometer; O-MWCNT: oxidized multiwalled carbon nanotubes; QNs: quinolones; RAL: resorcylic acid lactones; r-DSPE: reversed-dispersive solid phase extraction; RT: rimantadine; SAs: sulfonamides; SDZ: sulfadiazine; TCs: tetracyclines; UHPLC: ultra-high performance liquid chromatography; UV: ultraviolet detection.