Research Article

Staging of Alzheimer's Pathology in Triple Transgenic Mice: A Light and Electron Microscopic Analysis

Figure 10

Photomicrographs showing PHF-1 immunostaining in cortex ((a)–(c)), hippocampus ((d)–(f)), BLA ((g)–(i)), and subiculum ((j)–(o)) in 3xTg-AD mice. PHF-1 immunostaining was seen almost exclusively in the ventral hippocampus of perfusion-fixed brains (d) compared to the cortex (a) and the BLA (g) at 3 weeks of age. By 8-9 months, many more PHF-1-ir neurons were apparent in the hippocampus and BLA ((e), (h)). Only scattered PHF-1-ir neurons were found in the neocortex at this age (b). Many more PHF-1 immunopositive neurons appeared in the dorsal anterior CA1 region of female mutant mice (area outline by dashed line in M and shown at higher magnification (o)) compared to males (area outline by dashed line in (j) and shown at higher magnification in (l)) at 18–20 months of age. PHF-1 immunopositive plaques were seen in the subiculum of male (solid boxed area in (j) and (k)) and female (solid boxed area in (m) and (o)) 3xTg-AD mice at 18–20 months of age. Note that the extent of PHF-1 immunoreactivity was greater in the subiculum in females (M) versus males (J). PHF-1-ir profiles were absent in ntg mice ((c), (f), (i)). Scale bars: (a)–(i); ((k), (l), (n), (o)) = 20  m and ((j), (m)) = 100  m.