Research Article

Improving the Specificity of EEG for Diagnosing Alzheimer's Disease

Table 1

LDA results, for WTFR and Bump amplitude. LOO = Leave-one-out validation error (classification error). SEN = sensitivity. SPE = specificity. In both cases, the best discriminating frequency range is in the theta range. Classification, sensitivity, and specificity are improved by bump modeling.

(3.5–7.5 Hz) (7.5–9.5 Hz) (9.5–12.5 Hz) (12.5–25 Hz)

WTFRLOO = 33.3%LOO = 46.7%LOO = 81.7%LOO = 48.3%
SEN = 50.0%SEN = 27.3%SEN = 18.2%SEN = 59.1%
SPE = 76.3%SPE = 68.4%SPE = 18.4%SPE = 47.4%

BumpsLOO = 21.7%LOO = 76.7%LOO = 51.7%LOO = 41.7%
SEN = 72.3%SEN = 18.2%SEN = 40.9%SEN = 68.2%
SPE = 81.6%SPE = 26.3%SPE = 52.6%SPE = 52.6%