Review Article

Cholesterol and Copper Affect Learning and Memory in the Rabbit

Figure 3

Mean percent (±SEM) conditioned responses to a tone conditioned stimulus as a function of eight days of pairings (Sessions) of the tone and air puff to the eye for rabbits fed normal rabbit chow and given 0.12 parts per million copper as copper sulfate in their tap water (Copper Tap Water) or fed 2% cholesterol and given 0.12 parts per million copper in their tap water (Cholesterol + Copper Tap Water). The inset shows the mean (±SEM) number of counts of beta amyloid immunoreactive cells in the cortex and hippocampus. The data show lower levels of trace conditioning of the nictitating membrane response and number of beta amyloid positive cells in rabbits fed cholesterol and given copper in their tap water.