Review Article

Exfoliation Corrosion and Pitting Corrosion and Their Role in Fatigue Predictive Modeling: State-of-the-Art Review

Table 8

Pitting corrosion fatigue models background-references [112, 113, 122217].

Proposed bySummaryDescriptionAdvantages/limitations

1Hoeppner [67] (1972 - current)(i) Proposed a model to determine critical pit depth to nucleate a Mode I crack under pitting corrosion fatigue conditions.
(ii) Combined with the pit growth rate theory as well as the fatigue crack growth curve fit in a corrosive environment, the cycles needed to develop a critical pit size that will form a Mode I fatigue crack can be estimated.
(i) Using a four-parameter Weibull fit, fatigue crack growth threshold was found from corrosion fatigue experiments for the particular environment, material, frequency, and load spectrum.
(ii) The stress intensity relation for surface discontinuity (half penny-shaped crack) was used to simulate hemispherical pit. i.e. ,
where, is the applied stress, is the pit length, and is the function of , Sty.
(iii) Using the threshold determined empirically, critical pit depth was found from the stress intensity relation mentioned above.
(iv) Then, the time to attain the pit depth for the corresponding threshold value was found using where, is the time, is the pit depth, and is a material/environment parameter.
(i) This model provides a reasonable estimate for hemispherical geometry of the pits.
(ii) This model is useful to estimate the total corrosion fatigue life with knowledge of the kinetics of pitting corrosion and fatigue crack growth.
(iii) This model did not attempt to propose mechanisms of crack nucleation from corrosion pits.
(iv) Quantitative studies of pitting corrosion fatigue behavior of materials can be made using this model.
(v) This model is valid only for the conditions in which LEFM concepts are applicable.
(vi) Material dependent.
2 Lindley et al. [104] (i) Similar to Hoeppner’s model, a method for determining the threshold at which fatigue cracks would grow from the pits was proposed. (i) Pits were considered as semielliptical-shaped sharp cracks
(ii) Used Irwin’s stress intensity solution for an elliptical crack in an infinite plate and came up with the relationship to estimate threshold stress intensity values related to fatigue crack nucleation at corrosion pits. i.e.
where, is the stress range, a is the minor axis, and c is the major axis of a semi-elliptical crack.
(iii) From the observed pit geometry that is, for ratio, threshold stress intensity can be calculated.
(iv) For the corresponding ratio, critical pit depth can be estimated.
(i) The proposed stress intensity relation can be used in tension-tension loading situations where stress intensity for pits and cracks is similar.
(ii) Critical pit depths for cracked specimens can be estimated using the existing threshold stress intensity values.
(iii) This model is valid only for the conditions in which LEFM concepts are applicable.
(iv) Material dependent.
3Kawai and Kasai [105](i) Proposed a model based on estimation of allowable stresses under corrosion fatigue conditions with emphasis on pitting.
(ii) As corrosion is not usually considered in developing S-N fatigue curves, a model for allowable stress intensity threshold involving corrosion fatigue conditions was proposed.
(i) Considered corrosion pit as an elliptical crack.
(ii) Based on experimental data generated on stainless steel, new allowable stresses based on allowable stress intensity threshold were proposed. i.e.
where can be determined from a versus plot for a material, is the maximum pit depth, and is a geometric factor.
(i) Using this model, allowable stress in relation to corrosion fatigue threshold as a function of time can be estimated.
(ii) Material dependent.
(iii) This model is valid only for the conditions in which LEFM concepts are applicable.
4Kondo [111](i) Corrosion fatigue life of a material could be determined by estimating the critical pit condition using stress intensity factor relation as well as the pit growth rate relation.(i) Pit diameter was measured intermittently during corrosion fatigue tests.
(ii) From test results, corrosion pit growth law was expressed as where is the pit diameter, is the time, and is an environment/material parameter.
Then, critical pit condition in terms of stress intensity factor was proposed by assuming pit as a crack.
where is the stress amplitude, is the aspect ratio, and is the shape factor.
(iii) Critical pit condition was determined by the relationship between the pit growth rate theory and fatigue crack growth rates: ,
where is the number of stress cycles, is the frequency, and is the pit diameter.
(iv) The pit growth rate was developed using relation as given below

was determined using experimental parameter .
(v) Finally, the critical pit size was calculated from the stress intensity factor relation. i.e., .
(i) The aspect ratio was assumed as constant.
(ii) Material and environment dependent.