Research Article

Enhanced Hybrid Differential Evolution for Earth-Moon Low-Energy Transfer Trajectory Optimization

Algorithm 2: DEMR.

1: Initialize population , define as the -th vector in at generation , and is the best vector in the current generation, while is the best solution we have found so far. is the population size, refers to the number of function evaluations, MaxNFEs is the number of max function evaluation. denotes the mutation factor and is crossover rate. and are used for contraction criterion.
refers to the resultant new local optimum found by SQP. and are the lower and upper boundaries of the variables. denotes a set which collects the superior solutions at the late stage of evolution.
2: , ,
3: Evaluate the fitness for the each individual in .
5: whileNFEs < MaxNFEsdo
6:   for to do
7:      Select with the select probabilities and .
8:      ifNFEs < 0.2 × MaxNFEsthen
9:     Using DE/rand/1/bin to generate
10:      else
11:     Using DE/best/1/exp to generate
12:      end if
13:      Evaluate the trial vector
15:      if is better than then
17:      end if
18:      Update and
19:   end for
20:   Calculate the contraction criteria
21:   if then
22:      Pick up the as the initial point of the local search SQP, and find the local optimum
23:      Update and ,
24:      if then
25:     Re-Initialize the whole population as Algorithm 3 shows.
26:      end if
27:   end if
28: end while
Algorithm 2: DEMR.