Research Article

Hybrid Differential Evolution with Biogeography-Based Optimization for Design of a Reconfigurable Antenna Array with Discrete Phase Shifters

Algorithm 6

Procedure Algorithm description of DE/BBO algorithm
Step  1: Set the generation counter G=0; and randomly initialize a population of NP individuals . Initialize the parameter , CR
Step  2: Evaluate the fitness for each individual in
Step  3: while stopping criteria is not satisfied do
   For each individual calculate species count probability
   Calculate the immigration rate and the emigration rate for each individual
   for   to NP
       select randomly
    for   to D
     if rand(0,1)< then
     if rand or then
      Select with probability based on
     end if
      end if
    end for
   end for
    for to NP do
     Evaluate the offspring
     If is better than then
     end if
    end for
      Memorize the best solution achieved so far
Step  4: end while