Research Article

A Novel Waveform Design Method for Shift-Frequency Jamming Confirmation

Algorithm 2

Sparse Doppler-sensitive waveform design algorithm with a constant modulus constraint.
Requirements: sequence length , weight coefficient
1. Initialize: is a randomly generated unimodular sequence; configure and X.
2. Repeat.
3. For a fixed , compute the first complex values of according to and .
4. For a fixed , the minimizer is given by , where matrices and are taken from the economic SVD of , which is .
5. For a fixed , .
6. For a fixed , the criterion can be written as
where const is a constant that does not depend on ; are given by the elements of that contain
are the elements of , whose positions are identical to those of in . The minimizer is
7. Summarize the results in step 5 and step 6; the minimizer is given by
8. Continue until convergence.