Review Article

Imaging-Assisted Large-Format Breast Pathology: Program Rationale and Development in a Nonprofit Health System in the United States

Figure 8

Large-format section of a lumpectomy specimen from a 72 year woman. India Ink migration into the interior of the specimen is marked with open red arrows. The true surgical margin is represented by broken black line. Grade 2 DCIS extending 35 m (solid black line) is present 2 mm from migrating ink. A small grade 1 invasive ductal carcinoma is outlined by a solid red line. A biopsy cavity is located lower-central (solid red fill). The biopsy was positive for DCIS. No residual DCIS was found within 12 mm of the biopsy site. The solid black arrow points to a positive surgical margin suspected on specimen radiograph which led to the submission of this section. Scale: small divisions = 1.0 mm (H&E).